Friday Feed . . . Doing things and stuff.
Call me Karen. (writing words)

And then . . .

Yup. Been a mixed bag of emotions this week on the writing-front. Making progress though. I'm around 53k words, and I should only have about 2k left to go. HOLLA.
I'm soooo excited about this story. Writing a middle grade fantasy has been a wonderful, frustrating, scary, amazing journey of words. Can't wait to write The End and share my soul.

Luke, I am your mother. (kiddo corner)
Omigosh, this has been a crazy week. Busy, busy bees here. Started over the weekend, trying to get things together for my DIY height chart project for Lukey (more on that below) and also trying to adjust to Daylight Savings Time.
Call me Karen. (writing words)

And then . . .

Yup. Been a mixed bag of emotions this week on the writing-front. Making progress though. I'm around 53k words, and I should only have about 2k left to go. HOLLA.
I'm soooo excited about this story. Writing a middle grade fantasy has been a wonderful, frustrating, scary, amazing journey of words. Can't wait to write The End and share my soul.
Luke, I am your mother. (kiddo corner)
Omigosh, this has been a crazy week. Busy, busy bees here. Started over the weekend, trying to get things together for my DIY height chart project for Lukey (more on that below) and also trying to adjust to Daylight Savings Time.
Monday only some of the things were done--even though, at the time, it felt like I was accomplishing a lot.
Tuesday we had story time at the library and had to cut our play time short for an emergency trip to a consignment shop for summer clothes. Cos, trekking-A it's suddenly 80 degrees.
Wednesday morning we went to a friggin' awesome FREE farm that was sooo much fun. There were goats and sheep and peacocks and playground equipment and picnic tables and, and, and all the things. That afternoon we babysat Lukey's sweet girlfriend (teehee) for a bit, so that her parents could recuperate from the plague.
Thursday was spent mostly cleaning puke and poop off the Lukey and off me. Four loads of laundry later, clothes are clean. Somebody wanna fold them for me?? Takers? Anyone? Yeah, don't blame ya. Laundry is the worst.
Just keep swimming. (all the randomness)

So, my DIY project. Update: first, there is no way in Hellz that this project cost only FIVE dollars (see below), unless the blogger had literally almost ALL the bloody materials to begin with--cos, I spent more than FIVE dollars on discount/mis-tinted paint. I digress. Second, most of my materials (paint, stencils, and brushes) have been purchased. Just gotta find a piece of fence post that hasn't been pressure-treated. Surprisingly hard. Third, despite the amount of work this project has turned out to be--and it isn't even technically started yet--I am seriously excited about it. LOL When it's finished, it's gonna be trekkin' cool, yo.

DIY directions here
In other news, Happy belated St. Patrick's Day! Hope your day was filled with good luck and cheer.

Enjoy my Friday Feed? Here's more to delight you.
11 March
19 February
12 February
5 February
29 January
22 January
15 January
8 January
Searching for the end of the rainbow . . . karen
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