Try It Tuesday . . . Wherein I review things and stuff.
Tired of sore milk, veggie stains--just kidding, toddlers don't eat those--and unidentifiable meat stench partying in your diaper bag until you get home to wash that cloth bib?
Now you don't have to.
There's a disposable for that.

Today's product: Munchkin Disposable Bibs
Where to find: Um, Amazon. Duh. However, if you feel like leaving the house, Babies R Us has them cheaper.
Average cost: $5.99 to $8.00 (24 to 36 per box)
Lasts: One bib will last the duration of a meal, unless the toddler yanks so hard that it rips (thankfully, not happened with my toddler yet)
Karen's rating:

These bibs are the schzit, man. I just happened to discover them by happy accident whilst meandering in a Babies R us--sans toddler. If I used them every day it'd get kinda pricey, but I use these for travel, day trips, or playdates. They are seriously awesome. Once the kid finishes eating, just throw the bib away. No putting a crusty cloth bib in a baggie to take home and wash later.
Makes my life easier!
Heard of them? Used them? What say you?
Wanna see more red balloons go by? Thought so. Check out my previous reviews*
*Reviews are my own opinions, I am not paid to promote any items.
Drinking--uh, coffee--at 10AM . . . karen
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