Try It Tuesday . . . Wherein I review things and stuff.
Does your kitchen floor look like a culinary graveyard? Pots and pans marking the spots of fallen Cheerios?
Now it can be an unmarked Cheerio graveyard.

Three cheers for toddler* proofing.
*because babies can't open cabinets
Today's product: Kiscords Baby Safety Cabinet Lock
Where to find: Basically you know where I shop... Amazon.
Average cost: $7.99
Lasts: A long time
Karen's rating:
These cabinet locks are FAN-freaking-TASTIC They've kept our super-strong 16-month-old locked out. The locks are soo easy to install (no tools required). Plus, they don't damage your cabinet doors, and they're portable.
BONUS: Looking for locks for your drawers? These have been wonderful. (Definitely FIVE balloons.) Easy installation and removal (not portable though). Check them out here.
How do you baby/toddler proof? What say you?
Wanna see more red balloons go by? Thought so. Check out my previous reviews*
*Reviews are my own opinions, I am not paid to promote any items.
Stepping on Cheerios since 2015 . . . karen
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