Friday Feed . . . Doing things and stuff.
Call me Karen. (writing words)

Me this week...playing it cool. Um, trying. My middle grade novel is out to all my beta readers, and I'm getting nervous. LOL I've heard back from one so far, and she LOVED it. So that makes me happy. She had some great feedback, which I really appreciated. This book is sooooooo near and dear to my heart. Let's put it this way, if I ever split my soul into horcruxes, this book would be one of them. Just sayin'. I wait with baited breath for further feedback. Eeep.
My proposal for the historical romance anthology is written. WOOT. Finished it up on Sunday. Sent it off to my editor to get it edited and make sure it's a story worth writing. *bites nails* Even though this will be the 9th book I've written, nervousness and self-doubt is always there, lurking--been pursuing writing as career for eight years--sooo just part of the creative process. I'm learning to live with it.

Luke, I am your mother. (kiddo corner)

This week has been a very chill one. It was spring break for the schools in our area, so a lot of the activities Lukey does were canceled this week. We did go to a local farm on Wednesday, wherein Lukey said baaaaaa to all the sheep and pointed to every car in the parking lot, twice. Yesterday we braved the raindrops and ran errands. Lukey got to play in the mall's playplace. He was a bit intimidated by all the kids at first, and then he found his groove. Today we have a playdate, and we were promised baked goods. HOLLA.
Pix for your viewing pleasure . . .
Just keep swimming. (all the randomness)

Did you know . . .
Melissa McCarthy WILL return for 'Gilmore Girls' reboot after all??? SQUEEE. Check out the USA Today post here.
Enjoy my Friday Feed? Here's more to delight you.
Procrastination is the mother of invention . . . karen
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